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Tuesday 11 January 2022


The Pilgrim's Journey to the Celestial City

Prints and Cards available click picture

The Pilgrim's Journey to the Celestial City.

Published by Mrs Gawin Kirkham, widow of the late secretary to the Open-Air Mission – Mr Gawin Kirkham. The picture is not so well known as the Broad and Narrow Way picture which Gawin Kirkham had preached from and had published. But was produced as a companion picture, which is stated on the print beneath the title. "A companion picture to the Broad and Narrow Way."

It is a chromolithograph print, which will mean it is somewhere late 1800s and early 1900s it was printed  But the exact date the artwork was created is unknown, but must be sometime after 1892 - the year Gawin Kirkham passed away.  

For anyone familiar with Pilgrim's Progress, it should be quite easy to follow the picture - John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress starts lower right with Christian fleeing from the city of Destruction, meeting various characters who either encourage him or try to discourage him. He reaches the Cross in repentance and seeking forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ, where his burden of sin falls off. He continues on his journey encountering blessings, trials and temptations, and battles too. Making friends and enemies along the way until he reaches the gates of the Celestial City in triumph through obedience and faith in Jesus Christ.  

One other version of this picture was produced with scripture texts in the old style roman numerals. (I have made an updated version at the link above with normal scripture texts for easier understanding for anyone unfamiliar with old style roman numerals. The picture contains a total of 38 scripture texts to guide one through the picture and study the Bible, excellent for anyone curious as to the meanings of various scemes in the picture.)


(Republished and Digital Image Restoration – © Peter N Millward, Private Collection)