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Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Friday, 29 December 2023


A Christmas Carol


A picture for Christmas - A scene from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The ghost of Jacob Marley visiting Ebenezer Scrooge. Perhaps the most significant blessing we can have this Christmas is the gift of repentance. It allows us to truly grasp the ultimate gift of all – the gift of God's Son, Jesus Christ. According to the Word of God, salvation hinges on repentance (Acts 3:19), a concept not widely embraced in our current culture, even among many churches. However, it remains a divine requirement.
Recently, our daughter Dorothy and I watched the 1984 film adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," featuring George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge. This film they say, closely follows with the original book, was filmed in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, not far from where I used to live.
While "A Christmas Carol" is not overtly religious, it undoubtedly carries deep spiritual and moral themes. The tale of the selfish old miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, unfolds as a powerful allegory of repentance and redemption. Scrooge's transformation mirrors the essence of turning away from a life of sin and selfishness towards one marked by compassion, generosity, and genuine concern for others.
In Scrooge's journey, pivotal moments occur when he is granted a vision of the consequences of his actions and the true state of his heart. The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come serve as instruments of revelation, exposing the impact of his choices on others and the emptiness of a self-centered existence. This process parallels the core of repentance – a departure from a life of sin towards a path marked by compassion and concern for others. Scrooge's metamorphosis aligns with the biblical concept of metanoia, a change of heart and mind that accompanies a choice to follow Christ rather than our own desires.
In a spiritual context, the story underscores that repentance is a divine gift; we cannot achieve it on our own. We rely on God to reveal our sins because only He can grant repentance (Acts 11:18; 2 Timothy 2:25). Redemption becomes possible for those willing to confront their shortcomings. Charles Dickens, while not explicitly religious, sought to emphasize Christ's teachings in "A Christmas Carol." The narrative captures the essence of repentance and the potential for a renewed and redeemed life.
This Christmas, I extend an invitation to you, dear reader. If you've never grasped the gift of repentance or turned to Jesus Christ, take a moment alone in your room. Pray, make peace with God through Jesus Christ, and ask Him to grant you repentance. "Lord, reveal my sin and grant me repentance because you love me." Let this prayer catalyze self-reflection and a deeper appreciation of the divine gift embodied in the birth of Jesus Christ and be prepared for God to answer your prayers....because He loves you.
May this Christmas season be one of genuine self-awareness, repentance, and a renewed understanding of the profound love encapsulated in the message of Christ for all of us.

Saturday, 18 December 2021


Who is He in Yonder Stall?


Who is He in Yonder Stall?

A picture for Christmas and also picture puzzle - can you find where the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb that had been slain in the picture? (Answer further down page)
I was praying what picture to make for Christmas, then later the words of the Hymn "Who is He in Yonder Stall" came to me... I pondered why the Lord announced the birth of Jesus to the Shepherds...then a friend posted a photo of a stone food or water trough/manger the type that would have been used in the days of Jesus in Israel, the post explained various things about this. Which are different than the cosy wooden type of mangers popularly depicted in pictures. In Biblical times when the Temple in Jerusalem made sacrifices, priests kept sacrificial lambs in stone troughs in a blanket for protection, unblemished perfect lambs waited to be examined before sacrifice. For the Shepherds visiting Bethlehem to see what the angels announced, finding a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a "stone" trough would have been a powerful testimony, they would have understood as they were familiar with rearing sacrificial lambs. If we study scripture we see the significance of the title John the Baptist gave Jesus - “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" John 1:29. And in the book of Revelation we see. "and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain" Revelation 5:6.
Who is He in yonder stall,
At whose feet the shepherds fall?
’Tis the Lord! oh wondrous story!
’Tis the Lord! the King of glory!
At His feet we humbly fall,
Crown Him! crown Him, Lord of all!
Who is He in deep distress,
Fasting in the wilderness?
Who is He the people bless
For His words of gentleness?
Who is He to whom they bring
All the sick and sorrowing?
Who is He that stands and weeps
At the grave where Lazarus sleeps?
Who is He the gathering throng
Greet with loud triumphant song?
Lo! at midnight, who is He
Prays in dark Gethsemane?
Who is He on yonder tree
Dies in grief and agony?
Who is He who from the grave
Comes to succor, help, and save?
Who is He who from His throne
Rules through all the worlds alone?
’Tis the Lord! oh wondrous story!
’Tis the Lord! the King of glory!
At His feet we humbly fall,
Crown Him! crown Him, Lord of all!
Words by Benjamin Russell Hanby (1833-1867)

Sunday, 13 December 2020


Christmas Greetings - Jerusalem 1917


Christmas Greetings - Jerusalem 1917
It was a very special Christmas, December 11th 1917 in Jerusalem. General Edmund Allenby and his forces entered into the city through the Jaffa Gate. The general commanded the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, a British Empire Military formation. Miraculously, they had captured Jerusalem without a shot being fired and the city liberated after 400 years of Ottoman rule. I decided to make this, the subject of this years Christmas Card after being reminded this week of these momentous events in 1917. I based it on a sketch made over 20 years ago while taking notes during a YWAM School of Jewish Studies. Would you believe I had never seen photos of this famous event until this week! So I decided to revisit the sketch and made a few changes...The story behind the remarkable event is even more amazing and ought to make us wonder and reflect. Because General Allenby, as a child had asked his mother what to pray for - His mother said, “Pray that you may be of service to the Jews” He was a devout Christian and when he became a British General, it so happened he was the General sent to take command of the British forces in the region. God was indeed answering prayers he had prayed as a child. He was the one sent to liberate Jerusalem!. When he entered the city, he would not ride into Jerusalem on horseback, he said “Because he did not want to ride over the the flagstones where his Lord had carried His Cross” His attitude of reverence and humility a stark contrast to all the other conquerors of this world. Some thoughts for Christmas - When the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ reigns in our lives.....He shall reign over the Kingdoms of this world! Christ in us - God with us! Immanuel!

From original notes 

Monday, 30 December 2019


The Calvary Express

The Calvary Express

The Calvary Express - Those who have watched the children’s movie “The Polar Express” will recognize the themes of the picture….and some changes! – The movie is a favourite every Christmas, and millions of children and adults will be settling down to watch the movie… how a small boy is transported to the North Pole with lots of other children to see Santa Claus………..But what if the movie was about the real message of Christmas? and the Polar Express had instead been called “The Calvary Express” I expect the movie directors would have to make lots of changes, and instead of a make believe story…they would have to convey the real message of Christmas about the Saviour Jesus Christ, redeeming a lost mankind and how true belief and faith in Him alone ultimately decides our destination – When the Lord of Glory – Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary…. He quite literally put His life on the line …. and his death at the Cross paid the price only He could pay to redeem lost sinners. Do we believe Him? Do we truly believe? Then we must believe the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him. On His train only one ticket is accepted…….     So with this in mind let us worship and focus on the one who is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever - The Lord Jesus Christ. With the way things are in the can perhaps be forgiven wondering how much longer things can go on, but the Lord’s timing is perfect….. And so we pray “Come Lord Jesus quickly!”