Art News, Testimony and Blessings.

Monday, 30 December 2019

The Calvary Express

The Calvary Express

The Calvary Express - Those who have watched the children’s movie “The Polar Express” will recognize the themes of the picture….and some changes! – The movie is a favourite every Christmas, and millions of children and adults will be settling down to watch the movie… how a small boy is transported to the North Pole with lots of other children to see Santa Claus………..But what if the movie was about the real message of Christmas? and the Polar Express had instead been called “The Calvary Express” I expect the movie directors would have to make lots of changes, and instead of a make believe story…they would have to convey the real message of Christmas about the Saviour Jesus Christ, redeeming a lost mankind and how true belief and faith in Him alone ultimately decides our destination – When the Lord of Glory – Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary…. He quite literally put His life on the line …. and his death at the Cross paid the price only He could pay to redeem lost sinners. Do we believe Him? Do we truly believe? Then we must believe the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him. On His train only one ticket is accepted…….     So with this in mind let us worship and focus on the one who is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever - The Lord Jesus Christ. With the way things are in the can perhaps be forgiven wondering how much longer things can go on, but the Lord’s timing is perfect….. And so we pray “Come Lord Jesus quickly!”

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